Traditional marketing efforts have changed dramatically over the past few years with the increased use of the Internet. The usually advertising venues such as broadcast and print are no longer the only viable way to drive new business to your company. Businesses must now include strong Internet marketing as part of a complete marketing program.
Many businesses used to think that being listed in the yellow pages was a great way to advertise their businesses. However, today, 92% of online adults perform at least on search per day, meaning the yellow pages are no longer a viable marketing avenue. Also, Internet marketing is embracing the high number of mobile devices that are being used to access the Internet. In fact, numbers indicate that by 2013, these mobile devices including smart phones and tablets will overtake desktop computer usages to connect to the Internet.
Internet marketing does include search engine optimization as the basis of the program. The main goal is to get your website listed high on the search engine results. Additionally, you want to make sure that your website is producing organic links, rather than purchasing paid links. Why? Because organic click throughs generate a 25% higher conversion rate than the equivalent number of paid or pay per click click throughs.
Another important part of Internet marketing is to effectively use social media, as well as a strong email marketing campaign. Both of these efforts will help you keep in touch with current and potential customers, as well as creating another way to get higher website traffic numbers.
Many businesses are concerned about the cost of an Internet marketing plan. Through a strong SEO program, you will gain more leads. In fact, 57% of B2B marketers say that SEO is the biggest influence on their lead generation. In addition, inbound leads, such as those generated by search engine optimization, cost 61% less than outbound lead generators such as cold calling.
When you are ready to embrace Internet marketing, give a SEO company a call. They will work with you to determine the best SEO tools to use for your Internet marketing program. You will soon be reaping the rewards of higher sales figures.